SATAN has STOLEN from our community and by the grace of God, TODAY is the day, the time is NOW that WE TAKE BACK what Satan has stolen
- Rev. Pete Carney,
Faith Community Church
Our Vision
Spreading the Gospel
Saving the Kids
Ministering to the Community
Celebrate Recovery
Christian based Drug and alcohol counseling
Food ministry
2020 WVCSB Ola Cox State Missions
2019 UOVBA Missions Week
2019 Finding Faith
2018 WVCSB Ola Cox State Missions
Our History
When Mike and Phyllis Watson knocked on their doors in June 2008 giving away bags of cookies, the people of North Wheeling were surprised to learn that they were starting a church in the neighborhood. The declining community had seen several churches abandon it, but suddenly these Christians wanted to plant a new church there and wanted the people to be a part of it. Cookies sparked conversations, conversations ignited friendships, and friendships flourished as a core group of committed people united around a common goal. The simple seeds of love sown into the North Wheeling soil blossomed into the ministry of Faith Community Church.
Humble Beginnings
Not long after Mike and Phyllis shared their vision, the church was launched in a former Catholic church building. Mike, the director of missions for the Upper Ohio Valley Baptist Association (UOVBA), served as the church’s pastor. Originally called Wheeling Community Church, six people attended its very first worship service. By the time the church had grown to ten people, they decided to rent the building permanently for $50 per week. The old Sacred Heart Church building became their home for the next decade.
Gaining Traction
It didn’t take long for the church to become rooted in the community. After incorporating and constituting in January 2010, church leaders converted a large tree on the North Wheeling hillside into a huge white cross overlooking their neighborhood. Visible from the Fort Henry Bridge, thousands of motorists each day began noticing this symbol of the church’s vision to reclaim its community for Christ. As believers began being baptized in the Ohio River and hungry neighborhood children began being fed at church, a logo was created to signify its vision of sharing the Gospel from the big white cross all the way down to the river. When the church ordained its next pastor, Brian King, to Gospel ministry, lifelong North Wheeling resident Pete Carney was ordained, too. The community was seeing Gospel fruit.
In 2016, the church made huge leaps in its development. The Lord provided the church several parcels of property on Kenney Street in North Wheeling. Houses on four of those parcels were demolished to make way for Faith Park. A duplex on the corner of Kenney Street and 4th Street was purchased with gifted funds to serve as the church’s future worship center and ministry office. With property in the heart of its community, the next step in the congregation’s vision became crystal clear: to construct a church campus that would minister to its neighborhood.
The Blessing of a Tragedy
In the summer of 2018, Faith Community Church faced the biggest test of its young existence. On July 7, its North Wheeling neighborhood was rocked by a fire that rendered the Sacred Heart Church building completely unusable. What looked like a formidable obstacle, however, became a faith opportunity. Friends and partners of the church rallied to their side with love and generosity. The Upper Ohio Valley Baptist Association provided a tent that enabled them to have church the very next day. Churches in the association sent financial gifts, hymnals, and pews. As the weather turned colder, the Wheeling Housing Authority provided space at Riverview Towers for the church’s Sunday worship services. Faith had literally endured
the fire.
Yet the church pressed forward with even greater momentum. Financial gifts from several partnering ministries provided them the capital to dive headfirst into the planning stages of their long-awaited campus project. Church leaders successfully navigated the bureaucratic red tape of zoning compliance, permits, architectural drawings, and building plans. By the beginning of 2019, the church was ready to begin building. North Wheeling had seen Faith like never before.
In recent years God has blessed Faith Community Church by sending many mission teams and financial partners to help with the progress of the building project. However it's not complete yet. Faith Community Church is always open and welcome to those who want to help continue the progress of what God is doing in North Wheeling. If you want to send a mission team or contribute to the ongoing mission of the church please contact us at (304) 280-6917.